Sunday, November 30, 2014

Trees Trees and More Trees

What a Bargain? I bought a Christmas Tree for only $29.00 at Home Depot. It smells so beautifully. The employees even trimmed and tied it to the car for me. 

Shirt: Thrifter 
Leggings: Forever 21

Gold & Silver is this years decoration colors.

Happy Holidays!!!
-Southern Inspired Belle

Baby Shower & Scrapbooking

Baby Shower Games & Scrap-booking

This past weekend was full of Baby shower games and Scrap-booking my senior year of college. My cousin is welcoming a new baby boy and I was in charge of the games. Here is a picture of my "Pin the Pacifier on the Baby"

I saw this baby on Pinterest and drew it from scratch. Pretty good huh? LOL. Other games we played included "Guess the baby food", "Who knows mommy best", and "What poop is this".Overall we had a lot of fun. 

Scrap-booking has always been a favorite of mine, and with my senior year ending this year what better memories to re-live. I truly miss my senior year and the people in it. Graduating sucks, lol. Here is a picture of my arts and crafts.

Next post is all about Christmas Tree hunting. Can't wait. 

Until Next Time
-Southern Inspired Belle.!!

Monday, November 24, 2014

A little bit more thankfulness. !!!!

Day 21: I'm thankful for a good nights rest.

Day 22: I'm thankful southern comfort. Going back to my roots in Louisiana always brings a smile to my face. The air that you breathe is just different there than in the city.

Day 23: I'm thankful for siblings. Majority of the time they get on my nerves, but it's nice to know that there always there when you need them.

Day 24: I'm thankful for Love.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

November 20- Thankful Post

Today I'm thankful for laughter. Sometimes laughter is the only thing to keep you from crying or being sad. A few jokes a day keep the heartache away:).

Until next time
Southern Inspired Belle

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

November I Haven't Forgot About You. :-)

Hello Everyone,

I have to admit I've been down a little lately. I can't say that a lot of things are changing in my life but a lot of things are changing. Not necessarily things physically, but the people in my life are changing. I have people who have literally fell off the face of the earth and it's been very disturbing. I'm staying prayerful in this change that's happening and keeping in mind that "No weapon formed against me shall prosper". If there's anyone that you're feeling "ill" towards, I advise you to talk to them about it. You'll feel much better and it won't continue to hurt you.

It's still November and I've slacked on my Thankful Post. I believe my last one was on the 6th of November so here we go.

Day 7: I'm thankful for my nephews and nieces. They bring me so much joy especially that baby. Although they make you not want to have kids of your own (LOL), their a pleasure to have around.

Day 8: I'm thankful for a Good Night's Rest. It's always important to relax and not think about anything.

Day 9: I'm thankful for SEAFOOD, I love love love love seafood. I could probably eat seafood all day everyday.

Day 10: I'm thankful for Life's Lesson's. Life throws curve balls at you and you have to be able to maneuver around them. Trouble doesn't last always and that's what's important.

Day 11: I'm thankful for Arts & Crafts. Arts and Crafts keep my mind at ease.

Day 12: I'm thankful for Social Media. As weird as this may seem, Social Media keeps you in contact with a lot of people from Grade School and Long lost family members.

Day 13: I'm thankful for a roof over my head. Daily I pass panhandlers on the street asking for food or money to help them live day to day. And I thank God for allowing me to be covered.

Day 14: I'm thankful for my job. The unemployment rate is very high and I'm thankful that after 8 months, I now have a job.

Day 15: I'm thankful for the Telephone. Communication is key in living life. If we didn't have cell phones or land lines how would we communicate in such a big country.

Day 16: I'm thankful for the different seasons we have. Fall going into Winter is my most favorite, where the leaves are orange yellow and maroon and the wind is crisp. I just love it.

Day 17: I'm thankful for Volunteer opportunities that change people's lives. This Saturday I'm volunteering at the American Diabetes Association walk. My mother, and majority of my family members suffer from this hereditary disease and I'm thankful that there are opportunities out there to change people's lives.

Day 18: I'm thankful for new life. I was recently in the emergency room, A lady walked in and all she said was my water broke. I thought it was so awesome that she was preparing to bring a new life into this world.

Day 19: Today is the 19th of November. I'm thankful for my new diet I'm preparing to embark on. I was told by the doctor that I had too much acid in my stomach and in order to fix the issue I had to change my diet. No more coffee, orange juice, pizza, chili, spaghetti, lemonade, etc.

I hope you enjoyed my thankful post today. Talk to you soon

-Southern Inspired Belle

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Thankful Post

I'm pretty behind on my thankful post. Schedule has been a little busy however I'm here to overwhelm with you thankful posts.

Today I'm thankful for my line sister(s). Of course it's not easy getting to know 37 people but there's a 90% chance you'll come out forming a friendship that's never ending.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

November 4-5

Good for myself, my daughter to be Mom one day, and my grands! All around good advice. ;-)

I am behind on my Thankful Posts but I owe you 3. :) I hope you are writing in your Thankful Journals.

November 4:

I am thankful for my Parents. Each of us need a support system, people to lift us up when we are down, people to tell us "you're getting out of hand", people to tell us "it's time for you to get your life together. I'm thankful for my parents raising me into the woman I am today. They allowed me to live the way I wanted to live and let me experiment with life. My mother had me modeling, playing the piano, dancing: ballet, jazz, and tap. My father taught me the importance of taking care of your family, whether helping them physically or emotionally. For Them I am Thankful. 

November 5:

Three months until my birthday :). On this day, I am thankful for my education. Education is everything to me. I love it and I'm all about continuing education. I don't think one can have too much education. 
always love your family through the rough times and the best of times

Monday, November 3, 2014

What I'm Thankful for.

Today is November 3rd, 2014. Don't forget to start your "Thankful Journal" if you haven't already.

I'm thankful today for being on earth. I thank the Lord everyday for choosing me to be here and do his work. Although I am still trying to find my purpose in life, I'm thankful I'm here. 

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Happy November!!

Oh Give Thanks Unto the Lord for He is Good!

This month I challenge everyone to create a "Thankful Journal". Everyday write something you're thankful for. After this month is over if you're feeling down or having doubts go back and look at your Journal. The weather is beginning to change, with that said I plan on purchasing sweaters from area Thrift stores and passing them out to the Homeless. It's about giving and not always receiving. 

New month, fresh starts, positive thoughts!

Happy November
- Southern Inspired Belle

Friendships Swiftly Pass

I know it’s been a while since my last blog but I’ve been busy and not busy, if that makes any sense. Something has being weighing very heavy on my heart. Throughout your life people come in and out of our lives, and sometimes it’s not in our control. Lately I’ve been questioning myself, is it me?, Did I do something for them to just all of a sudden stop talking to me. It’s weird how you have a friendship and then “poof” it’s gone. It really saddens me because I thought this person and I were close. Yes I know schedules can get busy and maybe a week or two might swiftly pass but two weeks, three weeks, four weeks passed. There was no luck in contacting the person. So then what is there left to do? After a month or so the person finally answered, but it wasn’t the answer I was expecting. Till this day I’m still not sure what’s going on or why things played out the way they did but it’s out of my control. If this has ever happened to you know that yes your feelings will be hurt but all you can do is pray that God shows you the reason and you accept it. Continue to also pray for the friend because you never know what that person is going through.

Happy Sunday

-Southern Inspired Belle