Monday, December 22, 2014

Long time no Blog.

OMG!!!! Where have I been? I've truly missed blogging. With the start of my new job and working my old one as well I haven't had any time to just sit and reflect.

The past few weekends have been about Celebrating. As a proud alumni, I went to Texas Southern University's Fall Commencement. Of course I was late because I was running on my own time and had to sneak in because security said it was full to capacity (doubt it). Nevertheless I did see my line sisters walk across the stage and start a new stage in life. Graduation was followed by a a dinner with my line sisters, happy hour and a beautiful program/Christmas Party given by the brothers of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity,inc.

Sunday was church then a graduation party.

I've been making big steps in life and I'm very proud of myself and all I've accomplished.

Until next time
-Southern Inspired Belle.

Friday, December 12, 2014

My Wish List

Christmas is near and I would like to share with you a few things on my wish list. 

These Converse are only $25.99 at your nearest Ross store. They go very well with leggings and a nice sweater on a not so Winter day in December. 

Who doesn't want to stay up to date with the newest technology? Not me.!! The I phone 6 is on my list as well. My I-Phone 5 has been thrown around so much I'm surprised it still works. (LOL). 

My schedule will be Triple busy next year. I'm starting a new job, but I still want to get into the gym. You can be skinny and not be healthy, and I think that's where I'm at now. Skinny and not healthy. My eating habits are all out of wack and I want to get in the hang of exercising and eating the right things. 

Now that list wasn't that bad, was it?. I do want some other things but there small and I think over the next few months I'll purchase them myself. What's on your wish list?

Until next time
-Southern Inspired Belle

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Maid of Honor. Duty Calls

Two weeks ago I got the great news that one of my close friends is getting married next June. I love weddings, such a joyous occasion.

Maid of Honor Oversized Sweatshirt

I can't wait to plan for this wedding. The bride decided that her bridesmaid dresses would be "iced blue". Something like this...

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Wake Up... 2015 is Near.!!!

As 2015 approaches I have to ask, Who will be in your 2015?. This morning I got a Wake Up call. Well, it was actually a Wake Up Text. I hadn't spoken with this person in over a month and finally they contacted me. The text caught me by surprise and it made me feel some type of way. It made me wonder if I would bring the baggage of 2014 with me to 2015. 

When I love I love wholeheartedly. In my eyes those I love can do nothing wrong and I would back them 100% if anyone said anything different. 2014 was the year of graduation and what I thought would bring new beginnings but it wasn't. I think 2015 is that year for me. I will be starting a new job soon and preparing for Grad school the Fall of next year. 

Take the time out and write out the good things of 2014. Write out the good people of 2014. Write out what you plan to leave in 2014 and what you plan to bring to 2015. It's all up to you. 

Remember, live life and be happy. Don't let anyone take away your joy. The choice is yours.

Who will be in your 2015?

Until next time
-Southern Inspired Belle

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Secret Santa at the Office


I didn't see you! I promise!

It's Secret Santa week at the office. I love to see people in the holiday spirit, it really warms my heart. I don't think my person has a clue it's me. The rules were everyday Monday through Thursday purchase a gift from $1.00- $5.00 and on Friday you can spend up to $25.00. On Friday we will have a office pot luck. I'm not a fan of eating everyone's food :(. You never know how clean they keep their house, if they have animals or not, you know? Only eat Store Bought. Yesterday my Secret Santa bought me Pink Umbrella and Pink Shirt and today a Starbucks Gift card. I'll keep you posted on the gifts to come.

Until Next Time
-Southern Inspired Belle

Monday, December 1, 2014

Happy December!!

#Happy #December ................. #GlobeTripperĀ® | | "Home-made Hospitality" |

It's the most wonderful time of the year!!! As I look outside, it seems as if the weather has dropped tremendously since this morning. This is your time to make this year count. Is there something you planned to do this year but never got around to doing it? As Nike says, Just Do It. 

This year I'm volunteering at the George R. Brown Convention Center to feed those less fortunate on Christmas Eve. This is something new I'm trying and I'm very excited. I encourage each and every one of you to find a shelter to donate to this Holiday. 

Did you like my tree?

Until next time
-Southern Inspired Belle